can anyone identify?


I noticed in my tank today - stringy white stuff coming off a rock.
Almost looks like flossy stuff.
Is this Coralline algae dying off a rock?
I really think I need to get my CA up ASAP...


I get some stuff coming from some little filter feeders in the tank on occasion. They are little red points the only stick up about the height of an eraser and the diameter of a toothpick.
Have you added anything to the tank or made/noticed any changes in the tank?
Coraline algea just bleaches so I doubt that is it.


New Member
I have that show up in my tank, it looks like a strand of co
eb if we're talking about the same thing. I think it's a string of mucous from a worm that uses it to trap food particles.
If you have any LPS corals, sometimes they extrude mucus if they are bothered by anything. This mucus will sometimes get stuck on the rocks and look as you describe. My bubble corals do this occasionally.
Possibly <a href="" target="_blank">vermetid snails</a>
Harmless but messy eaters and somwhat unsightly
Look to see if the strands are coming from a "tube".


This information all sounds like my tank -
Q: I do have some little red points on some rock that I have just ignored - but they arent as high as you mentioned. I figured they were like a copepod who died or something. But I dont know if its in this area - its the back of the tank.
Seasquirt: YES! Co
eb is a great description
I'll take a closer look tonight.