Can anyone post a pix of a fish with ich? Never seen it and my fish has.....


my fish has white spots that are not well defined and i can only see them at certain angles. Never seen what ich looks like on a fish before and wondering if that may be. It is on a royal gama... only fish in the tank right now with a peppermint xhrimp and a carrot sponge..... sorry i don't have a digi camera!


my fish has spots but they are bigger and fuzzy looking..... they are not small white dots..... any ideas? Or is my fish even sick? new to sw and never had a sick fish before


Staff member
Yes, the ich on that pic is just on the fins. They can be much worse and cover the whole fish.


Active Member
if my fish had ick are there any noticeable side effects early on? how long can a fish live with ick?
Beth speaks....and it happens to me !!! Now that same tang looks like he has been splatter painted with white paint. He has it on his body, his eyes, his fins and probably his poop.
Taking your recommendations though Beth. The clowns appear to be getting better.


my royal gama does not have spots on the fins. It's all over his body. Mainly the head area. They are big patches that look like he is peeling. :confused:


I have noticed the same thing with my royal gamma. He looks like hes shedding over his head.. its a fuzzy white lookin stuff.


Active Member
Could be Marine Velvet or Brooklynella with the latter being larger patches. Both can be treated with copper and formalin.


Well all of my fish have died and my anenomie. All that I have left is a peppermint shrimp and a carrot sponge, lr & ls. What should I do? Should I let my tank sit a while with out any fish. I think the fish were already sick before I bought them. They didn't look so healthy in the lfs. I tried to get them before they died.........Oh well, you can't be a hero all the time..........


Active Member
Sorry to hear about that. IMO I would leave the tank empty, just leaving what you have in there, if it was ich that will die off with no host. In 4-6 weeks (IMO 6, to be safe) all the parasite should of died, and in the mean time set up a QT. Perfect timing to do that. Good luck ;)


Active Member
Brooklynella can and is treated with citrated copper, along with other methods.
One would think, ones personal preferences should simply be stated as such...ones personal preferences.
Too bad about the fish all dying though...been there done that. I took an over extreme and sterilized the tank. Killed everything, including the live rock...