can anyone tell me about a blue dot puffer?


my tank has cycled about a week or two ago and i'm ready to add my first fish(not counting chromis') i'm having the hardest time figuring out what fish would be the coolest and yet be happy toghether and which i can make happy(feeding). i fell in love w/the blue dot puffer from some of the pics i've seen. i had a porcupine b4 and thought he was awesome, lots of personality. i read where he(blue dot) may eat shrimp. would he also eat crabs? i was going to take stacyt's advice and add some hermit crabs first, but if i were to get the bdp, that wouldnt be fair if he eats crab or shrimp. i want to plan which fish to add in the big pic., so i dont screw up in the long run. my plan at this time(changes daily) is an AURIGA BUTTERFLY(hardy and not so picky eater), ROYAL GRAMMA, NASO TANG, HIPPO TANG, FLAME ANGEL, BLUE DOT PUFFER, SIX LINE WRASSE??, SANDSIFTING CERITH SNAIL(if can be found), BLOOD RED SHRIMP and SCARLET HERMIT CRABS. which fish would you intro first? too many fish??
wellit all depends on what you want to had to your tank. if you add the puffer there might be other stuff you cant add and you ARE stuck with the puffer. the shrimp and crabs area good start, there cheap and they help clean. take a look at and look at soe pics of fish to get a idea and then look on line to see what u reall ylike to do with your tank, FO,FOWLR, or reef. i know a puffer gets big will it hold in your tank?


thanks cilifishdude! i understand the bluedot only gets 5" long. i also hear he'll nip at fins. maybe you can help on another matter. would a foxface be okay as the first fish(beside the chromis)? also i was going to get a hippo tang eventually, but the lfs owner talked out of it because he said they're ick magnets. any input on that? thanks.
im not sure on that one. but i know that you always add your most territorial fish last. i would see if its a peacefull fish first