Can anyone tell me about ...

Our LFS has one and it is REALLY cool looking. It is listed under the snapper family on Will the cleanup be safe ?
They call it a spotted sweetlips (Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides). lists them as a fish they sell (that's also wher ethe pic came from). Just curious if anyone has first hand knowledge of their hardiness, activity, demeanor, and just all around "fun factor".


needs a very large tank,will eat snails,some shrimps,get almost 30 in. very difficult to get eating, for experienced only,cool looking though,I tried one awhile back in a 125 it didnt last long wouldnt eat..
I have one but it is getting mean since I put a sailfin tang in with it. It may have eaten all of snails I am not sure but they are all gone. But it is a very nice looking fish. It does like to have a hidding place. But over all it is a good fish and I think it will be happier once I get my bigger tank going. Oh yeah and I have had it for 4 months and going.
Sarah :)