Can anyone tell me what this BLACK multi-headed looking thing thats growing on my toadstool?

paul anonymous

New Member
I just Noticed this this morning growing off the bottom side of my toadstool. and also right next to the BLACK THING, WHITE hairy algae-looking thing is also growing underneath the side. WHAT ARE THESE??? i dont know if this is a major health issue for my toadstool or not.. but if it is i will need to know what these are ASAP before my toadstool worsen. And/or how to cure it. The black thing looks like it has more than one mouth/head divided in one body whole thing, if that make sense. heres the best pictures i can get of it. my estimation in measurement its about half of millimeter by half of millimeter (2 cm)

please someone help asap.. tell me what the black thing thats growing and also is that white algae growing?


Colonial hydroids.
Can't tell what the white stuff is tho...


They can propagate quickly under the right conditions, and can smother smaller corals and frags.
There are quite a few of them in our 100 gal, but it's FOWLR, so I don't pay them any heed.
Critters like this generally crop up in response to small live prey such as copepod blooms.