Can Blue leg hermit eat leather stool?


I am having a tough time finding the crimminals that are chewing my devil's hand leather. It started approx 1 month ago, I noticed the small pieces missing and i moved the leather to another spot in the tank. the leather cured itself and yesterday i noticed more nible marks and I saw a gang of blue legged hermits hanging around the base of the leather. I didn't catch them on the act though. Has anybody heard of hermits nibbling at coral?
I've seen a couple of worms in the sand before, but i didn't think much of them. do you know of any hitchhinking worms that could eat the leather ?


start looking for a mantis and other types of hairy crabs as i just went threw this with a finger leather. I could never find out who it was but it was all gone in about 2 weeks , and always happened at night.


Originally Posted by rtspeed
start looking for a mantis and other types of hairy crabs as i just went threw this with a finger leather. I could never find out who it was but it was all gone in about 2 weeks , and always happened at night.
Damn it, this is exactly what is happening. only at night.
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- blue leg hermits


yeah, nocturnal creatures can stay hidden for years in your tank and you'd never see them. if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night and happen to think about it go to the tank with a flashlight. You might catch some creature off gaurd and you'll know what you're dealing with.