can cleaner shrimp cure mild ick?


last night I noticed my putterfly had mild ick(less than 15 spots, only on fins) I was going to medicate today but after I got home from school I noticed it was gone? could my cleaner shrimp have cured it? It has been cleaning the butterfly almost all the time Ive looked in the tank. Should I still use an invert safe medication?


I don't think there is a truly effective invert safe medication IMO. They may be in their cycle of life where they are free floating loose in tank. Have you seen the shrimp actually cleaning this fish? I'd keep an eye CLOSELY on both fish for any signs at all. I'm no expert but that's my $ .02 :)


Staff member
I wouldn't use any med that alleges to be reef safe. The cleaner could well have cleaned up the ick, but the tank is definately not "cured". Additionally, the ick could now be in one of the other 2 stages of their life-cycle, in which case you would not see the parasites on the fish.
I would think about getting a hospital tank. You should have one whether you use it right now or not.
Additionally, you can feed your fish garlic soaked food.


well the shrimp is ALWAYS cleaning the fish, it was also VERY mild ick only on tail,and the fish stopped the little scratiching it was doing and is eating fine, I just got him and he was bullied by my koran angel and has ripped fins so thats probably why he got infected. I have dosed Marine Oomed invert safe med, it has worked for me 4/5 times over the last 2 odd years so I know it can work.Any other oppinions would be helpful.