Can copper based meds harm a shark?

I have a 265 gallon tank with fish, sharks, snails , hermits, soft corals, and live rock. It would take really extreme measures to remove all the livestock for any extended period of time. Is there any kind of non-copper based treatment that i can use to treat ich? I only have 3 fish that have it so far and i'm am placing them in a hospital tank.

el guapo

Active Member
Yes Copper will harm your shark. As well as kill off your inverts . DO NOT PUT IT IN YOUR TANK . once its in your tank it will leach into rock and sand and will always be in there .
Oo ok, I heard that it was not good for sharks, but why is that? Small amounts are suppost to be beneficial for fish with ich. You wouldn't know of any ways I could treat ich in my display tank without removing all the fish would you? Because I cannot house my sharks for any extended period of time.


Take the three fish out. put them in a qt tank. leave the display fishless for 2 months. dont add any meds to display. leave the sharks and inverts in.


Active Member
Copper will harm all sharks except epaullettes. Interesting fact about epaullettes is that they are resistant to most copper levels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by basketballas
Oo ok, I heard that it was not good for sharks, but why is that? Small amounts are suppost to be beneficial for fish with ich. You wouldn't know of any ways I could treat ich in my display tank without removing all the fish would you? Because I cannot house my sharks for any extended period of time.
are these fish still eating? copper will kill a shark even a small trace can be fatal...if you have to go copper route remove all the other fish from the main tank and use a hosp tank for treatment ... do not dose this tank.. however you will not rid this tank of the parasite 100%.. although ich does not effect the shark as it does other fish.. there is no guarantee that it cannot harbor them... you also cannot hypo a you may still have the chance of reinfecting the fish to them upon returning to the TD.. its a 50/50 possibility.....if however your fish are still eating you can at least reduce the effects on them by feeding and supplements..for these cases I use garlic extreme and selcon(amino acid sup) directly to the tank.. thera+A pellets by spectrum these come in large and small pellets .. if you have small fish in the tank i suggest using the small.. feed 3 times a day.. this food and supplements will benefit all species of fish
though some will disagree on the garlic extreme I chose this due to exact dosing measurements and it does work.... i have been in this hobby 7+yrs and have not lost a single fish due to ich.. using this method... other reasons yes but not ich


I believe copper messes with the sensory systems of most shark species; which ends up in them not eating. Its not an instant kill like copper will do to your coral; its a slower process.
I would give them Seachem's focus and metro, so that you can feed the meds directly to the fish and don't have to worry about killing coral