can dwarf lion go with my fish



How large is the lawnmower? Lions, regardless of size, can swallow anything up to half their length, roughly. Dwarf lions tend to get up to 6" or so when full grown.


Originally Posted by gopherfish
why is there somthing i should know about this ive already looked alot on it and cant find much

she said that because the dwarf lions are more peticular and require more care and observation than other species.


The Blackfoot is unlike other dwarfs such as the fuzzy, these are cooler water fish and have a high mortality rate. This lion would require cooler temps, even during shipping, by time they make it to the LFS they have already been kept in warmer water, so chances of survival are slim.
They do seem to hit the market every so many years, and this just seems to be one of those summers.... I remember a few years back when people tried keeping them, even in species only tanks, just for this lion, and they still did not survive.


Active Member
You could try a Fu-Manchu lion but they tend to die of starvation. They are harder to train to eat frozen foods.
I kept a Neon Goby and yellow Clown Goby with a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion, no problems.