Can eel's get Ick


Can a snowflake eel catch ick?
I don't know whether to quarantine my new eel before putting him in the main tank
Any comments


Active Member
I can't give you an educated answer, but I can tell you this, we have had several out breaks of ick in our tank, but our SFE has never been bothered by it, why? I couldn't say. Lisa :)


Active Member
Lisa! Hey, can't remember the last time I saw you on this board.
Hope all is well and glad to see ya back!
Great question on the ich. Haven't seen anything on aggressive fish and parasites and would love to learn more.


They can get it but I believe its rare it does not effect them like it would a fish. You still might QT him incase he does has something that you could transfer to your main tank.


Active Member
jumpfrog, Thanks, it's nice to be back. Everything is going pretty well with the tanks, with an exception of a bad case of green hair algea, we're having a hard time getting rid of it. I'm not sure if it came in on some new rock we added or if it has anything to do with changing our lites. Oh well! Lisa


The large amounts of slime on Moreys makes them almost immune to ick, with the possible exception of their gills and likewise many other fish dieases...we classify them in the "stainless steel indestructible fish" category.
If you're in an area where you can get SW ghost shrimp or want to try acclimating feeder ghosties over to SW, they go through hair algae like a lawn boy, by far the best erradicators we've found.
We added about 30 to a 125 gal. that was HEAVILY overgrown with hair algae, in about 2 days it looked like the tank had been torn down and cleaned.
Of course, the type fish in the tank make a big difference, as they are in the "you can't eat just one" category for many.