Can i add a carbet anemone to this tank? and input be great



First off i have a 125g tank with aprx 150 lbs of life rock. filtraton i use a sump built for a 125 with protein skimmer. lights 3 175w 10000k 2 140w vho atenic
currently live stock
two yellow tangs for fish most rocks are covered in gsp i have one bubble coral in the corner of the tank. i also have several leathers here and there in the tank. i understand that they can move a lot at first. i was wondering if i got one and didnt add anything till a few months after it settled down would it then be ok to add more coral thinking it wouldnt move much after it settled. i really have my heart set on a blue one or if i cant get one of those a green one. however i wanna make sure it will work before i purchase one tho.
Oh and if i purchased one whats the clown most likly to take to a carpet.l my fave is maroon clown but i like them all
any input info suggestions be great thanks a lot

bang guy

It would be marginal with the light because they tend to settle at the base of the rocks. I would also expect it to eat one of your Tangs every 2 or 3 years. If you keep your water perfectly clear it's doable but it will need a significant amount of food to make up for the lack of light.
With that much food being consumed you will need an export mechanism for removing excess nutrients. An algae scrubber and/or frequent, large water changes would probably be enough.
A Saddleback would be your best bet for Clownfish. Carpets tend to eat Clownfish. Ocellaris would be a doable second choice.


Thanks bang guy I aperciate the comment gives me something to think about. I might try and see if there is a type of coral that will give me that type of blue like a blue hairy mush room if they exisit or something else.

bang guy

Originally Posted by james454
Thanks bang guy I aperciate the comment gives me something to think about. I might try and see if there is a type of coral that will give me that type of blue like a blue hairy mush room if they exisit or something else.
Have you looked at Ricordea?


Yea I've thought about ordering some but being online never know exactly what u going to get tho. Most blue rics I've seen are not nearly that beautiful as the pic u showed me. It's got me interested in getting something like that.