Can I add a chart to that excel program?


Active Member
I've been using the excel program that someone had posted on here a while back. It's the one that has thefish compatability chart and different graghs for ammo, nitrite trate, etc. Well I want to add some charts for things like calcium, phosphate, alkalinity etc. anybody know how to do this? I'm excell illiteragte....
Also, why when I enter my tests does it automatically say No for ready for fish? I've been set up for a while (4 months)and my numbers are all dead on and stable?
Thank You!!!!!



New Member
I just got a crash course on Excel today e-mail me and I will give you the program my boss and I created we have too much time over her in SWA. It is not perfect but it will work for what you want and I will still be perfecting it on my next duty day. The program idea is handy. it traks your ideal levels and your current levels.