As an aside, don't trust your LFS to always test your water parameters. I'm sure they're being truthful, however, it's always best to rely on your own water tests. Salifert, Red Sea and Aquarium Pharmaceuticals have good test kits you can purchase. (Test Strips are not the way to go, as they are often very inaccurate.)
Also, for future reference, it's not good to cycle a tank with fish or any other livestock. When there is ammonia present in the water, and there is during a cycle, it literally burns the gills of a fish and it can kill any inverts you may have. It's an old-school way of cycling, and really just a way the LFS' know to make a quick buck.
You can always cycle by ghost-feeding a tank or by putting a raw shrimp in for a few day to kick-start the cycle. Much more humane and you won't have to deal with trying to get the pesky Damsels out when you're tired of them
Glad you found SWF! Good luck!