can i add a pair of.....


Active Member
i lost my other clowns to brook like 2 weeks ago and now i would ike to add some more.
a little over 2 weeks ago i added a yellow watchmen goby
a little over a week ago i added a firefish
now in thinking about a pair of "no stripe clowns" which the guy implise(sp?) are

clowns. if you have a picture of " no stripe clowns anlong with info please post some.
n e ways they wouldint be added until like thursady or friday due to my paycheck.. i figure that will give time for the bioload to finish adjusting from the firefish.
SO......... do you think i would be able to add a pair?????
55 gallon tank
1 sixline wrasse
1 pygmy angel
1 yellow watchmen
1 firefish
after i add the clown pair.. how many more fish would i be able to add..... its a reef
thanks a mill :help:


Active Member

clowns do you mean skunk clowns?
they are cool and different looking...
anyways just remember to QT them, and have some stuff ready if you see brookynella start to form or something else ... during that period. how long did you have your clowns before they developed it?


they could be red saddleback clowns? not real sure without a my 75g reef i have:1 yellow watchman w/pistol,2 engineer gobies,1 fairy wrasse, 2 oscellaris clowns,1 dragon gobie,1 lawnmower blennie,and a sea horse. my water is always perfect.i have just begun to add corals.