Can i add a Sixline Wrasse?


ive got a 20G with 2 false percs. I could also get yellow wrasse which one would be better and easier to take care of?
Well im kind of new to saltwater but ill tell you something from what I have heard before. Yea it'll be possible to add the wrasse but I think the Sixline will be easier but over time as it gets used to your system it'll be more aggressive. But can you say what type of filtration you have going for your system.
Im not sure that little filter will support that much bio-load. IMO I would say a no to that. Try getting a larger filter and you should be able to support it, you try also investing in a skimmerr its really helpfull.
That should do, but yea Sixlines will do great in your tank but in the future I would watch out cause they get territorial and aggresive as it gets used to your tank


Active Member
no need for an extra filter. 6 line, like any fish, might get territorial. but i doubt it will with ur 2 clowns. go ahead and get one. mine is very peaceful, except to my royal gramma.


Crazy...I have a six line too and he was fine to everything in my tank but the royal gramma. Any time the gramma would come out of hiding the wrasse would chase him around.
Eventually he caught him as I found the gramma body stuck in my overflow one day:(


Active Member
Anyone else with compatibility issues between a 6 line and a RG?
I was thinking about getting a 6 line instead of a Yellowtail Blue Damsel to go along with a RG which I also plan on purchasing. Nobody seems to trust a YT Blue Damsel.
Thanks, Steve


Active Member
if u hv a big enough tank with enough lr, 6 line and royal gramma shouldnt be an issue. my 6 line would chase my rg from time to time. but so far, they r ok with each other.


Active Member

Originally Posted by nycbob
if u hv a big enough tank with enough lr, 6 line and royal gramma shouldnt be an issue. my 6 line would chase my rg from time to time. but so far, they r ok with each other.
I only have a 29 gal. I have 55 lbs. of rock 45 Live. 40 lbs. LS. Acceptable


Mine is a 100 gallon and there were problems. Also, I added the wrasse about three months after the gramma, so the gramma was there first. I probably just had a jerk wrasse...he doesn't even eat the bristle worms in my tank which is the reason I bought him.


With the way those things grow, he could be eating his fill and they'd still be running around en masse. :)


I bought my sixline and RG at the same time and if anything I see the gramma chasing the wrasse away from it's section of rock.