Can I add an additional maroon?


How big is your tank. I have two perculas in my tank, but i have seen on other threads that if you do add another maroon, make sure that is significally smaller than the other. I think it is kinda risky with that breed of clownfish.


NOPE! The established Maroon has now had time to become very territorial and will drive off or kill your newer fish. If you purchase them together when small as many are now farm raised and you will see them in the dealers tanks in large groups, it will work, but once established as king clown in your tank, I would not risk either by adding another.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Granny
NOPE! The established Maroon has now had time to become very territorial and will drive off or kill your newer fish. If you purchase them together when small as many are now farm raised and you will see them in the dealers tanks in large groups, it will work, but once established as king clown in your tank, I would not risk either by adding another.

tank watch

We Just Added A Maroon Clown To Our Existing Maroon. She Was Alone In Our Tank For Over 6 Months. We Have Posted How We Did It In The Clown Section. It Is Under Success With New Clown.
They Have Been Together For 1 Week, Not One Fight At All.


Active Member
While not saying that what you've done (especially since I haven't looked at the other thread) isn't going to work, one week is not enough time to declare them a success. I wouldn't be calling thing successful until they've gone 6 months or more.