can i add another occelaris clownfish?

belly up

right now i have a 30g with 30 pounds of lr. i have an occelaris, a bicolor blenny, and a 6line wrasse. could i add another occ. clown? and i was wonderig if i bought another occ. clownfish of around the same size would they pair up?


For the most part I believe you should be ok adding one more clown to make a pair. However, there is the possibility they will not get along and the more dominant one may beat up on the other one. From what I have read having more than 2 clowns would not be a good idea. I personally have 3 of them together that I rescued from someone who was getting ready to flush them and they all get along real well so anything is possible. If you have not checked in the clown - anenome section that may be a good place to gather more info.


Active Member
IMO, having two is better than three. When you get another one just make sure you watch them, once the dominate one is established all will be ok. The larger will be the dominate and become a female, and the less dominate being the male. They also do not require an anemone.


Active Member
i jsut finished putting a baby ocellaris into my tank. I may have been lucky because my larger one was used to having a second one around (lost one of the pair to swim bladder problems). the baby went in at night, and the next day theywere paired up. just observe for aggression, and if it occurs take the existing one out of the tank and put in your QT.
as for the three: certain clowns WILL cohabitate with more than 2. they do out in the ocean. what will happen is one will become the female, one will become the mated male, and the other will be there on the sidelines in case one of em dies. this doesnt usually work well in our tanks cause they are so small compared to the ocean.


Originally Posted by larryndana
IMO, having two is better than three. When you get another one just make sure you watch them, once the dominate one is established all will be ok. The larger will be the dominate and become a female, and the less dominate being the male. They also do not require an anemone.
Hey one of my questions finally got answered :cheer:
I tried on the newby sec. But I think that must be for diffrent questions. They sure didn't sound at all newbie to me, I had NO idea what any of the questions was about...but ordered th book today, thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
as for the three: certain clowns WILL cohabitate with more than 2. they do out in the ocean. what will happen is one will become the female, one will become the mated male, and the other will be there on the sidelines in case one of em dies. this doesnt usually work well in our tanks cause they are so small compared to the ocean.

What i find interesting is....from what i've read
in the wild several clowns will share a single anemone, one female and one male....the rest will not sexually mature. if the female dies the male will usually step up and become the female, yes changing sexually and all. then the next dominate one would become the male. if a male dies, same thing happens the next dominate one would step up.
interesting stuff for sure.

belly up

ok thx i will try to find a clown around the same size or a little bigger than mine. but my lights arent strong enough for an anenome : ( maybe when i upgrade ill invest in some mh's, and does anyone have any ideas on what to do with a standard 10 gallon tank? i found it in the basement and cleraned it out. but now i dont know what to do with it? any ideas?


Active Member
as for the clown buy one smaller, it will adapt better, IMO.
for the 10 gallon, keep it for a QT tank. look up threads about QT tanks, you may be able to find something in the archives. They are used for new fish for a period of 3 or 4 weeks incase they might have a that you won't contaminate your whole tank. also a good way to introduce different types of foods to new comers.


I agree on buying a smaller clown as your 2nd. If you get one the same size I feel you have a higher chance of possibly ending up with 2 females. Clownfish go from being sexually immature, then become males, then become females (One way street). By adding a smaller/younger one there is a better chance of it being sexually immature or a male which should work to your advantage.