Can I Add Anytype of Rock?



okay thanks alot. my mom got mad because I threw it all away(2g buckets of cc) and she just wants to know if I could of used it for anything else. I tell her now but she just likes to argue. someone please help me


what kind of help?... do you want some duct tape? hahahaha!
even if you decide to use cc, you shouldn't use used cc, you should buy it new. Used would be a big big big no-no!


and i'm not sure what else you would've used it for... artwork??? hehehe


That is lava rock, actually it is man made lava rock which is 100% safe for FW & SW tanks. Real lava rock will leech out some things that can be harmfull to tanks, but man made is safe. Even the stuff at Home Depot & elsewhere for gardens & landscaping is man made. Like xDave said it's a great pourous rock commonly used as base rock & rocks in FW tanks. If you want to play it safe boil it for 30 minutes or so.


I added some of the lava rock and my ammonia went from 0 to 25. I still have one huge chunk left. Should I add it right now or should I waitA?


Active Member
Originally Posted by aquatics24
theres lava in every tropical ocean, and millions of beautiful fish swim in and out of them. cycle it through your tank before anything. nice granite countertops by the way.
Well, that's kind of relative... I mean there's thousands of gallons of oil floating around in the ocean; Don't think we would advice decorating your tank with a used oil filter.
it's been a long time since I took Geology, but doesn't lava rock contain various heavy metals?


Not sure on that but lots of people use lava rock w/no problems. Are you sure the rock is clean?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
but doesn't lava rock contain various heavy metals?
As I already stated yes real lava rock does. However the lava rock you get from aquarium stores or hardware stores is man made like bricks. It is perfectly safe, real lava rock would cost way more. If you still doubt me do some research & you'll see.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Nope, I trust ya.
How can you tell the difference between man made and real lava rock?
Actually that is an excellent question. I am not for sure on that, but I would think that true lava rock wouldn't be the cheaspest thing in the world since its harvested & is only formed by volcanoes.
I've been told that pretty much all the stuff for like landscaping & flower beds at places like Home Depot, Lowes, etc. is man-made. As well as of course the kind sold in pet stores. A lot of people use the lava rock chunks for flower beds in their pond filters & also some in wet/dry aqaurium filters.