Can I add fish?


I have been cycling my tank now for about 1-2 weeks and was wondering when I can add fish. All the chemicals are fine in the tank except ammonia, Its high, but coming down.


you have just started your cycle. please dont add fish or inverts yet. after the amonia spikes then you will have a nitrite spike, after that you will start to see your nitrate slowly rise. then and only then can you start to add you inhabitants to the tank. personally i would add some inverts first. like some hermits and snails. let them hang around in the tank for about a week to make sure that the water is fine. if they die then you only lost a few hermits. after that start to add your fish. add the most docile species first. let them acclimate to the tank for about three weeks then you can add more. dont go fast. you have the rest of your life to mak your tank great.


i added new cured lr and rock flower anemones about 4 hours after i set up my tank and it cycled within about 2 days.