can i add fish?


amonia is at 0
nitrate at 5
nitrite at 0
ph at 8.3
the salnity of the tank is 1.022
themperature at 78 F
can i add fish now?

i have 2 snails in there and they are doing good


Active Member
i think you can wait it out for another week.. but if you cant then.. u might be in big trouble cuzz waiting is a BIG PART to this hobby....
altho that little ofset in your water is not much... and you can add fish but like i said.. you should wait.. cuzz it's a good lesson..


Active Member
parameters look pretty good. how long did the tank cylce for? adding fish slowly is very key here. you don't want to add a large bio-load too quickly. the tank may not be able to handle it.


my tank has been cycling for about 5 days now....i got the live rock from my other aquarium same with the snails.


Active Member
I'd wait one more week. Keep checking your parameters everyday to see how stable the tank is. Have you done a water change since the start?


Active Member
I don't think you will get much of a cycle if you added rock and sand from a running tank. Did you get a small spike intially and the levels have since dropped? If this is the case maybe a wait another few days, do a water change and then add one fish. Have you been feeding the tank at all? If not I would feed the tank for a week, then do a water change and add fish. I think it is good to give the tank two weeks at a minimum before adding much of a what are planning on getting for your new set-up?


Well i only got the rock from my aquarium i bought the spike i tested everyday and it has the same do u feed a tank? :thinking: :help:


im still not sure but i would like to make it an agressive tank...i know that its kind of small for an agressive but i was thinkin of some fish like snowflakes, dwarf lions, valentini toby, longnosed hawk...ect.
any ideas of what i can put there?


You can feed a tank by feeding imaganary fish (sprinkle fish food in there to just rot by itself) or put in a raw peeled shrimp and let it rot. Traditionally people have seeded tanks with damsels, but it is very hard on them, especially their gills, so it should not be done.
Not that it is too far off, but your specific gravity is a little low, 1.025 is the "normal" reading. Some people (and most LFS) keep it low in fish only systems to help control parasites.


Filter: yes
Skimmer: could be either way, but probably no
Another hint: 1 (or 2) shrimp at the grocery store is cheaper than fish food... people have been known to get them free rather than have 0.01 lbs of shrimp rung up :joy:


ok well i put in 2 shrimps now (dead) and i will see how this work i also put a cube of brineshrimp is that ok? how long should the shrimps be in there?


They'll get really gross and basically dissolve away by themselves. I just noticed something else... how big is your tank? Two dead shrimp and a brine cube may produce enough waste to kill your two existing snails.


Hehe, sorry I "abandoned" you, I'm at work and I'm not supposed to be posting stuff in discussion boards

I don't forsee any issues with chopping them up, but I will have to warn you that you are probably looking at 4 weeks more of waiting no matter what... The problem is that you have to give the necessary bacteria some time to grow.