can i add fish?


I don't really know the agressive fish very well. Although if I remember correctly, a snowflake eel is a good choice for a smaller tank. Tobies and Dwarf Lions sound good to me too. Try asking in the agressive forum, you'll probably get people that actually know what they are talking about.


I was thinkin of putting a snowflake with a dwarf lion fish or toby (i heard they would nip at the lions fins) u think i can put more than 2 fishes in the 30


Only if they stay small. The general rule for a 30 would be 6 inches worth of fish max. That can probably be stretched a little if you have good filtration and watch the water quality closely. Part of the problem for you specifically though is that agressive fish eat a lot and produce a lot of waste. Unfortunately, you probably should stick with the eel and one other.


i was just wondering because my dad likes fish that are in groups (like chromis), so i was wondering if i could put a small group


i put the shrimp yesturday and they turned from white to orange...
amonia is at 0
nitrate at 0---lowered
nitrite at 0
ph at 8.3
the salnity of the tank is 1.023 ---raised
themperature at 80 F ----raised


It hasn't really started yet... the shrimp will puff up around the same time it is releasing the most amonia. That's when it really starts... The amonia goes up, then down, the nitrites go up, then down, then all is well (except that you'll want to do a water change).
As far as chromis go, they don't mix with eels and lions, they'll get eaten. But if you want chromis instead, a group of three would probably be ok. Again though, keep watch on the water quality and make sure you have a skimmer.