Can I add fish???


New Member
So even though my tank has only been set up for 2 weeks it's cycled. Partially because A)3/4 of the H2O I used came out of my cycled FW tank, (I've read not all the nitrifing bacteria are different) B) I bought 25lbs cured live rock, and C) 20lbs of live sand. I have a 55g with 2-3" sandbed. The ammonia level spicked slightly and has now been at 0 going on 4 days. Trites are 0, trates are between 5-10, alk is reading at high, and SG is at 1.023. Not planning on any corals until I upgrade to a 150 in a year or so. So what ya'll think? I'd like to add some more live rock and know it should go in before any live stock and let the levels become stable again, but if we chose to get LR later (quarantining myself) You think it's safe to get my pair of Ocellaris??
Thanks. Any thoughts would help!!


New Member
I think you're in the clear...
I am not sure how much using cycled FW helped tho... if it all. From what I understand Nitrifying bacteria lives inside live rock and other filter media, it doest just float around in the water. You might want to be careful with using water from a freshwater tank as parasites may live in that water however I am just speculating.
Sounds like your tank went through a small cycle. If the clowns are 2 small guys I think you would be all right.
You could always put a few snails in there and see how they do and continue testing for another week just to be careful.
Hope that helps