Can I add MH with these Fans???


My main thought/question is can I take out my middle four PC and install 2 250 MH, BUT I'm worried about the heat since I have a closed hood and only two fans. Right now my tank's temp changes about 2-3 degrees from night to day.
So the whole reason is that I need to buy a new tank and was thinking of getting a 90G instead of another 75G. I have 8 time 55W ( I know it's an old setup) PCs. This puts me at 5.9 watts/G and if I went to a 90G it would be more like 4.9. Right now I have only a couple SPS corals but I'm affraid to get more if I go 90G without more lighting.
Any ideas and suggestion would be great. Here is my setup.
P.S. I have a cat so I can't get rid of my hood.


Active Member
Nice job on the canopy...You were smart to make it tall. Looks like its about 12" tall, right?
Your going to see some more heat cause you swapping out 220 watt's for 500 watt's...If you can, vent the back of the canopy
I agree that venting the back will probably help.
On a side note. The 90 gallon is the same footprint as the 75 only taller. As long as you keep the corals the same distance from the lighting in the 90 as they are/were in the 75 wouldn't it be the same? The only change in intensity would be the bottom 4 or 5"
Just a thought


Here is a pic of the back. Yeah I guess that I do have room in the back to put a couple of fans. That's a great idea. Plus I was thinking that a 90G might take the heat a bit better then a 75G.
Anyone else have ideas/suggestions????


So I'm looking at the IceCap Metal Halide Retrofit Lighting System and there is many chooses for bulbs.
For teh 250Watt bulbs what "K" should I go with. I believe the 10,000K is the mid range like my 10K PC. The 6,500 are on the blue scale and the 20,000 are on the yellow to red scale. Am I right??? SHould I go with the 10K??? Some let me know if I'm wrong here.