Can I add more live rock now???


Hey guys-
I have a 29g FOWLR tank that's running beautifully. It just recently finished cycling and I added a damsel and a hermit crab. Both are doing great. I have 16 pounds of live rock in it right now and was wondering if it's ok to add some more??? I get it locally so it's already cured. I just wasn't sure if it would make my levels spike and end up hurting the fish?? :happyfish
Thanks in advance!!


Active Member
you should be fine just add it, just make sure the LR is fully cured one way of telling is smelling it if it smells like rotten eggs then its not done curintg


My lfs told me that when adding LR you should do so slowly. Not sure if it's all correct but sounded good to me. He said that if you ad alot with life stock in your tank you could create your lvls to jump around a bit. But damsels are HARDY LITTLE guys. I would say for a 29 you would be safe adding 8-10lb of rock every couple days.


Active Member
when i upgraded to my 80 i added around 40lbs of LR that was fully cured and to keep any die off from occuring i placed the LR in a cooler with saltwater and brought it home the next day i tested the water everything was the same, a week later amd the following week i tested again and everything was fine