Can I add more to my tank?


I have a 125g FOWLR tank. I have a filstar XP3 for a caniaster filter. I have a Octopus Bh 300-F protein skimmer. Okay here is what I have in the tank so far:
1 - Yellow Tang
1 - Blue Hippo Tang
1 - 6-line Wrasse
3 - Blue/Green Chromis's
1 - Sunrise Dottyback
2 - Clownfish
1 - Chocolate Chip Starfish
9 - Turbo Snails
4 - Emerald Crabs
I know I want to add this list :
1 - Coral Beauty
2 - Blue/Green Chromis's
11 - Turbo snails
6 - Emerald Crabs
Now I want to know can I add other fish in the tank or is it maxed out? If I can add other fish, what would be a good fish to add. I don't know my fish that good so advice would help.


WOW....I definitely wouldn't get anymore turbos or emeralds.....maybe get some cerith and nassarius snails
as far as long has the tank been set up? (I forget) I just don't know that I would push my luck.....MAYBE...MAYBE the coral beauty and then quit....and I say MAYBE MAYBE LOL


Originally Posted by meowzer
WOW....I definitely wouldn't get anymore turbos or emeralds.....maybe get some cerith and nassarius snails
as far as long has the tank been set up? (I forget) I just don't know that I would push my luck.....MAYBE...MAYBE the coral beauty and then quit....and I say MAYBE MAYBE LOL
Tank has been set-up since early Dec. Oh yeah I want to also get a cleaner shrimp.


I'd probably leave it alone for a little while then.....JMO....A cleaner shrimp should be ok, along with some of the snails I mentioned.....I just don't know that I would add more fish yet