Can I add my lr and ls yet?

Can I add my lr and ls yet. My tank is still extremely cloudy after 21 hours and my lr smells mildewy:confused: I don't want to hurt anything so if I must wait, I'll wait.:(


Active Member
add it now....the bacteria on the live rock and live sand will help clear up the cloudiness. You need to get that live rock wet ASAP. Do you have fish in there or are you just starting this tank up?


well your live rock is pritty much dead. If it was uncured live rock you should have put in your tank during the cycle.


If I recall from a previous post you have a 125?? If that is the case put the sand and rock in and get your cycle started.Don't put another live thing in there until you cycle is complete. Do a search on "cycle". Read,read,read!! Big tank,you can make big mistakes. Slooooow down.


Yeah the LR should have been put in saltwater as soon as you got it. the longer its out of the water, the more of it dies off.
Jeez Louise, some of you are acting like I hung my cat or something. Slow down? I just got started. Haven't even had water in the tank for 24 hours. And so you don't call animal control, I don't have any fish yet (duh:rolleyes: ) and the lr was kept as moist/wet as the day they shipped it. Some of you people are just rude and make comments w/o even asking questions or considering other factors. Sometimes this place/forum is friendly, but ask one little question (you have to ask to get answers right? vs. badgering) and the fangs come out.
Anyway, the lr was cured and put in the tank a couple of hours ago. And I do have three books that I read all the time. I just got thrown off by the lfs guy telling me to wait 4-5 hours until the salt mixed and the cloudiness disipated before putting in the live media to keep from killing it. When my tank was still cloudy 11 hours later (bed time and when I noticed the 4-5" scratch on the front of my brand new tank) I decided to wait until I spoke to the lfs guy and ask him when he came over today right after I wrote my post.
To those of you that did respond with advice on the subject at hand, I am grateful. You are the ones that make this such an informative board and a great place to hang with fellow salty freaks. To the others that have nothing else better to do than write posts intentionally trying to make people feel stupid and worse than they already feel having to make the initial post (hence the :( ), then get a life.
Quack, quack!:D
Thanks poiboy. I appreciate your apology.;) I'm feeling better now. :D
fyi: the tank is starting to look clearer and the lr is beautiful! I still need to wait until it clears up before I can see to move things around a bit. I'll post pics in the photography section in a few days. ciao
Can't remove scratches from glass. It's easier for the company to replace the whole tank, or give a discount than to try and fix it.