Can i add the clean up crew at the same time as the fish


Dude, ur rushing it! You have like 3 threads and they are all talking about the same thing. IMO u should be patient. That is the #1 thing in this hobby. JHust set back and relax.


No offenese to u. I was excited like u and found out to sit back and take my time. Do u have LR? If u do, take a look at it and u will be amazed what u see moving on it. Everyday I pull a chair in front of my tank and just sit and watch. Everyday I find something new. That is the glory of this hobby, u find and learn new stuff everyday.


ok man no hard feelings, and yes i have live rock, and just based on everything i think i'm ready for fish, anything else i need to go over before moving on


Special gravity and temp. Wait for ur nitrite to go down and ur ammonis 2. Wait for them to stay at zero. Then u can get a cheap fish and try it out. U may also want to here other opinoins.


temp.- 78
specific gravity- i can't find the number right now but i know its where it should be
and how long do u think it will take for the nitrite level to fall from .3 to 0


It may take 2-3 days for it to fall. I am gonna put in my starter fish first and wait 2 weeks and if it lives, then I am gonna put in a clean up crew. My LFS said that I should do that. But if ur algae gets really bad, then u should get a clean up crew. Like I said before, u may want to take other opinoins.



Originally posted by Hiddenicon
and can i add the clean up crew with that starter fish at the same time?

i just start saltwater tank about 13 or 14 days ago
i do have small live rock 5lbs and some other rock
i did put raw shrimp in it and i remove because what the LFS say (should know they just want to sell fish) and i put a domino damsel they are so pretty also blue velvet damsel . if you want to put fish now i think it's o,k to put those fish alot of people tell me they don't die eazy
iam new to salter too just like you i was looking at some star fish but i know it's not time yet i will wait litte longer maybe other 4 weeks to make sure my water is good and safe for any fish and i hope you do the same not 4 weeks but i think you know what iam saying:) save your money and time and some fish life


Active Member
Anything you add to your tank will increase the biological load on your filter system. It's best to add just a few at a time to let the system adapt to the increase in ammonia. Add a fish or two and let it sit until your levels go back to zero. Your clean up crew will need something to eat and should probably be put in after a few months. After you put them in, again wait for your levels to return to zero. Keep doing water changes and normal maintainance after your tank is established and take any high levels of ammonia or nitrite to indicate that you have too many fish or not enough filter. :happy: