Can I brag about a deal I got?



I found a deal on a local trading post website for a 155 bowfront with fish and everything for $300. So I called and the guy that was selling it was really pissed because his wife was supposed to put that price on his 90gal. He said that he was looking to get 1500 for the 155 but he said since it was listed as $300 he would stay true to the price (I would have just said "sorry about your luck") He was going in for back surgery and was off work and needed the money. I had to empty the tank. So two days ago we went over to his house. The main problem is that he lived in absolute filth. He had four english bulldogs and 3 of them had spinal chord problems and had no bowel control (this is in an apartment) I cannot make this stuff up. Well after all was said and done. Here is what I got.
155 gal all glass bowfront w/all glass stand
4ft coralite PC light (the guy knew nothing about lights. had a 4ft on a 6ft tank)
over 100lbs of live rock
Berlin Turbo XL skimmer
pumps and wet/dry
Porcupine Puffer
Line Puffer
Dogface puffer
8+" Volitan Lionfish
Heppatus Tang
Purple Tang
Sailfin Tang
Clarkii Clown
Niger Trigger
Yellowhead Moray
Snowflake eel
I took all of the fish in for store credit and gave a puffer to my friend.


Active Member
Nice deal. Sounds more like you rescued the fish from an overcrowded (inside the tnak and out) and unhealthy situation.
The tank and LR make it worth it. You could also sell the 48" fixture to help pay for a new one that fits.


you almost feel sorry for the guy who owned it before you....almost...:rolleyes: If bulldogs have that kind of problems one should take care of the dogs accordinly if they can't afford it then place them with a pound or have them euthinized to put them out of there misery being a dog owner myself ( 11month old Akita, 2 year old Peki/polm mix) i would do everything in my power to make sure they were taken care of if not i would make arrangements accordingly thats just not right.


sounds like you would get your money back in store credit


Yeah. got a fairly good store credit. I forgot to mention that all three tangs had Lateral Line Disease. Its a shame. All the jackass needed to do was put a grounding probe in the tank. So my credit wasnt so great for the tangs. But oh well.


Referred to as HLLE or LLE, which means Head and Lateral Line Erosion. Not really a disease but a condition i guess. It can be caused by poor water quality and/or stray voltage in the water from pumps heaters etc. It causes a discoloration to start on the head usually around the eye then spread down the body of the fish towards the tail. Of the three tangs that I aquired the Blue hippo tang had a large spot of yellow around his eye and it continued as a line across the body. The sailfin tang basically looked like someone erased his pattern in a straight line down his body. You can protect yourself against stray voltage by putting a grounding probe in the water. You can buy one or make one. Do a search for "aquarium ground probe" on google and you will find a bunch of stuff.


Active Member
ok in the dayton trading post i found one that said 125 saltwater tank free to good home, moving have to get rid of i called he already gave it away...not sure what i would have done with it but i would have found something...rats!!!!!!!


Hey Betacrash, I got kinda the same deal as you though not as good. A couple was separated and I guese her x was supposed to take the tank by the ???? But he did not. So I responded to the add and this is what i got:
55 gallon tank
Fluval 404
Two maxi jets power heads
One power sweep powerhead
Prism Protein skimmer (works great believe it or not)
Air pump
Test kits
Canopy (so so condtion)
255 watt coral life lighting system
R/O D/I system
About 40-55lbs of L/R
How much you ask?
:confused: Well the add said $200 obo, and when I got there she said i was the only one to respond to the add and she wanted it GONE because it reminded her of him. She said, "Gimme 50 bucks and it's yours!" I was out the door before she said "yours" Thank goodness for angry Xs huh?
heck, I would've $50 for just the three powerheads and the test kit.


That is a sweet deal. . When I said that the guy I bought the tank off of was upset at his wife for putting the tank up for 300 (I thought he was trying to cover something up at first). Well I just saw that he is now selling his 90 gal for $350. I guess he is trying to offset the loss. Just took the berlin skimmer apart last night and cleaned it. Looks like brand new. Now I have to clean the overflow boxes, they look like someone took a dump in them.


I am shoked the v lion didn't eat the clarki! Also the puffers didn't damage the v lion any? I've heard they are nippers.