I found a deal on a local trading post website for a 155 bowfront with fish and everything for $300. So I called and the guy that was selling it was really pissed because his wife was supposed to put that price on his 90gal. He said that he was looking to get 1500 for the 155 but he said since it was listed as $300 he would stay true to the price (I would have just said "sorry about your luck") He was going in for back surgery and was off work and needed the money. I had to empty the tank. So two days ago we went over to his house. The main problem is that he lived in absolute filth. He had four english bulldogs and 3 of them had spinal chord problems and had no bowel control (this is in an apartment) I cannot make this stuff up. Well after all was said and done. Here is what I got.
155 gal all glass bowfront w/all glass stand
4ft coralite PC light (the guy knew nothing about lights. had a 4ft on a 6ft tank)
over 100lbs of live rock
Berlin Turbo XL skimmer
pumps and wet/dry
Porcupine Puffer
Line Puffer
Dogface puffer
8+" Volitan Lionfish
Heppatus Tang
Purple Tang
Sailfin Tang
Clarkii Clown
Niger Trigger
Yellowhead Moray
Snowflake eel
I took all of the fish in for store credit and gave a puffer to my friend.
155 gal all glass bowfront w/all glass stand
4ft coralite PC light (the guy knew nothing about lights. had a 4ft on a 6ft tank)
over 100lbs of live rock
Berlin Turbo XL skimmer
pumps and wet/dry
Porcupine Puffer
Line Puffer
Dogface puffer
8+" Volitan Lionfish
Heppatus Tang
Purple Tang
Sailfin Tang
Clarkii Clown
Niger Trigger
Yellowhead Moray
Snowflake eel
I took all of the fish in for store credit and gave a puffer to my friend.