Can I clean my old rock and sand?


Active Member
The 15h tank I'm changing to reef is allready running. The thing is that it has been neglected for some time now. Before I restart it, is it safe to take the rock out and scrub it? Also the sand is filthy. I would like to rinse that out as well. I'm just afraid I'll kill off the bacteria thats in it.


I've theroughly cleaned a neglected tank before and now it's flourishing. I just filled a bucket half way with salt water and scrubbed each piece of LR one at a time with a toothbrush. I found that cleaning the sand is a little more difficult. It is hard to get it thoroughly clean just by rinsing it. I got fed up with it and just went out and bought some new sand.

mini micro

New Member
I had a bad aglae growth on my rock at one stage took them out and cleaned them lightly with a tooth brush in a bucket of tank water and they were fine. Do it lightly so not to damage the rock just enough to remove the dirt!