Can I feed my squirrel fish ghost shrimp?????


New Member
I went to my LFS and they didn't accurately answer my question. So I was hoping my fellow hobbyists would help me out. Can I feed my squirrel fish ghost shrimp. I have been feeding him frozen brine but I want him to be able to chase his food. I just don't want the ghost shrimp to upset him?


Yes, you absolutely can.
I'm surprised his sustaining on just brine, brine really isn't that healthy. Is that all you've been feeding him?
Actually, many squirrels refuse to eat frozen, or anything but live feeder shrimp in the beginning, so it's absolutely okay to feed them these.


New Member
I know you can feed him crab as well but I was afraid to try other things because he was eating the brine shrimp so well.


Active Member
Squirrelfish are predators in the wild, eating small fish and crustaceans. BTL's list is a good list, minus the krill. Don't feed it.


When a fish is eating well, THAT is the time to broaden its diet. With the exception of certain obligate feeders, the best diet for a captive fish is a varied one. I kept that same fish (Myripritis murdjan) for several years, and it ate pretty much anything I put into the tank.