Can I frag this Xenia like this?


Active Member
I was thinking about cuting where the red line is. If I can do this, can I attach the frag with aquamend onto a rock? Or will the aquamend burn the xenia tissue?
Can i also just use a pair of scissors?


Active Member
A razor/scissors would work.. its just hard to attach them. Xenia love to grow up and attach to higher things.. so I just put new plugs by them.. they'll reach out... grow on it.. and seperate from the mother colony and attach to what you want.
Another trick after cutting.. use veil material (like wedding veil) to put over it until it attaches to a rock/plug. When you cut it, they will shrivel and be a little blob -- which makes them tough to work with then.


Active Member
I generally put the tough to attach frags (xenia, shrooms, leathers, kenya, sinularia, etc) into a bowl with some CC in it. then, once they've attached to the CC, i glue the CC to the plugs.


Active Member
Well funny story. So last night I was pulling that xenia out of the tank and the far upper left stalk ripped and stuck to the left rock.
So it fragged itself! I just moved the rest to the spot where my frag was going to go and left that chunk on the rock.


Active Member
Things do have a way of working themselves out don't they

Future reference, you had a great cut line picked out. And for Xenia, I would take a toothpick and stick it thru the base of the piece you cut off, about 1/2 inch from the bottom. Stick it all the way thru so it extends out both sides. Then rubberband the toothpick to a frag rock. Once the frag has taken hold, you can remove the toothpic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Things do have a way of working themselves out don't they

Future reference, you had a great cut line picked out. And for Xenia, I would take a toothpick and stick it thru the base of the piece you cut off, about 1/2 inch from the bottom. Stick it all the way thru so it extends out both sides. Then rubberband the toothpick to a frag rock. Once the frag has taken hold, you can remove the toothpic.
that's a cool idea! I'm writing that one down


Active Member
Originally Posted by zoie2
that's a cool idea! I'm writing that one down

works on just about any hard to attach coral. I actually just used it to glue to bottom of some frag disks that my underwater epoxy was not grabbing. grabbed the CC no problem!
Originally Posted by JimVette1

I believe its crushed coral


I tried cutting a small piece of the xenia off, containing one polyp and a bit of flesh, then I super glued them to a piece of rubble! They did fine, and it didn't burn the flesh at all!


I find the toothpick method the easiest for xenia and mushrooms. It takes no effort and the rubber band holds the frag in place until the piece takes hold. Plus with the toothpick inserted you have something to hold onto when the xenia or polyp shrinks.