can i get a puffer


Active Member
I am about to upgrad my 55 to an 84g and want to know if i could get a puffer. It will probably have a purple tang, flame angel, 2 percs, and a royal gramma with 75lbs of lr. I would also like to keep some shrimp, crabs, and snails. I know this is probably a dumb question but i don't really know anything about puffers. If i could have puffer could you help me out with which kind and tell me some about them.
You could probably go with one of the toby's. You are creating a very nice community tank, you would not want to add a larger puffer (like a porky) to it as it may kill and eat your other fish. Someone recently posted a real nice pic of a toby, check him out.


NO do not get a star n stripe just cuz they are "cool" you have a community tank so that means no big puffers. this includes stars n stripe, dogface, porcupine puffer...I wouldn't even get any sort of puffers, even small kinds, if you expect to keep your shrimps and any invertebrates in the same tank. Bad idea. My stars n stripe usually never picks on any fish, but when it comes to feeding time it will chew up anyone in its way, no matter how big it is. Its in its own tank now. even the most peaceful puffers cannot be trusted.


How about get what you want.!
thats the worng attiude about it.
1 the stars and stripes get really really big and can will see anything smaller then them as a meal including fish inverts corals, anything in the tank.
It will probably have a purple tang, flame angel, 2 percs, and a royal gramma with 75lbs of lr. I would also like to keep some shrimp, crabs, and snails.
majority of these will be come a meal period. the shrimp crabs and snails will become a meal rather quickly.
the flame angel percs royal garamma if they dont get eaten the will be stressed out for running from the puffer as he trys to eat them.
IMO I wouldnt add a puffer uness it was the toby or valentine puffer like suggested above.


from experience they can and will (maybe not imediatly but as they grow) the only thing I had left in my tank was a yellow tang that was super aggressive. he ate everything else in the tank.


Saltfisher, you are totally wrong. I have and have had many puffers. My stars and stripes killed and ate many fish including a stellatus puffer and lionfish. I have a stars and stripes that is currently 15" in length. Fast growers for sure and very aggressive.