can i get a star????


Active Member
i have:
2 clowns,
feather duster,
goby(havent seen since 1st day in tank),
hermit crabs,
is there any type of star that i can get with these?


what size tank and how much LR is in there.
inhabitants look star safe to me so what we need to look at is that tan kto see if it will sustain a star.


Active Member
If I recall, your tank is very new, isn't it?
PLEASE wait until the tank matures. These animals are delicate and do not fair well in many younger tanks. Water parameters are critical (what are yours?)
There are no reef safe seastars that are really suitable at this time. Brittlestars would be a better option, but again, once the tank is more mature. Avoid the green brittlestar, a known predator.


Active Member
Be prepared, when people look more closely at your stock list, you will be apprehended by the tang police. 55g too small for a tang, they like to swim A LOT, and they grow quickly.


Active Member
i know the tang isnt mine will not have soon, yes my tank is fairly new i will wait on one just curious as to if i could even ever get one, didnt know if there was any that was invert and coral safe. dont want to lose anything


New Member
A couple of months ago, I added a green brittle star to my 29 gallon Biocube. Soon after, my psychadelic mandarin disappeared without a trace. A week ago, I purchased a small scooter blenny which also disappeared. Two days ago, I purchased a cleaner shrimp which, as of a few hours ago, is missing in action... however, some evidence of this crime remained. My brittle star's central disk grew enormously large right after the cleaner shrimp's disappearance. Based on this evidence, my brittle star stands accused of all of these offenses. He's going to be taken to the "big house" tomorrow (also known as the fish store) to be returned. Don't let this tragedy happen to you... don't keep a green brittlestar with small gobies or small shrimp.


Active Member
Can I ask what you fed the star?
How long you had the blenny and the mandarin?
How did you acclimate the shrimp?
It is not uncommon for shrimp to not acclimate well, and are very sensitive to water conditions (esp specific gravity). They also "smell stressed" when added to a new system and most certainly would have been attractive to a green brittlestar. That would be normal.
But thought tempting to blame the green brittlestar for this (it most certainly will scavenge dead things, and is a KNOWN predator as well), all 3 of these situations can be explained by animals dying first, and then being eaten. We don't like to think this, but I would consider other possibilities as well.
I would return it, however, if you have any concerns.

discus guy

i have a green brittle star and he hasnt touced any of my fish or shrimp just feed him a small piece of krill every day or so and ull be fine