Can I get a trigger for my 55g?


I know you guys are tired of me asking about fish in my new tank, but I want a "specialty" fish and these are my last resort. Will any triggers fit in a 55g tank comfortably? If not, spit some recommendations at me.
i think the best you can do is a dwarf angels. just go searching for fish that spark you interest and find out how big it gets. triggers usually get really big and are aggresive toward snail, shrimp, and small fish.


Active Member
No, a trigger will not work.
How about a fuzzy dwarf lion? They are very specialty and stick out to everyone who views the tank.
good suggestion, i didnt even think of that. Garfunkle, you are just going to have to tweak your fish list to accomidate a lion fish.


I have a small huma huma trigger in my 55, but i'm getting close to getting rid of it, not because of size, as it has barely grown an inch since i've gotten it 6 months ago, but because i want to get some more docile fish that I don't want to have to worry about him beating up.
MY personal view is, if you're planning an aggressive tank with no inverts, you may be able to pull off a huma huma or bluethroat.
Garfunkle, is this still going to be your main line up? Your coral and six line could be your two show fish. they will always be running around in plain site.
Coral Beauty
-2 Fiji Tomato clowns
-3 green chromis
-diamond goby
-Six Line Wrasse


Originally Posted by floatingfish
Garfunkle, is this still going to be your main line up? Your coral and six line could be your two show fish. they will always be running around in plain site.
Coral Beauty
-2 Fiji Tomato clowns
-3 green chromis
-diamond goby
-Six Line Wrasse
yea, thats it. I thought about a fuzzy lion, but I didn't want to have to ditch the small fish. Plus, SWF says they are not reef safe.


Active Member
if you are not adding inverts consider a dwarf puffer like a blue spot or valenti, they are a good center piece fish with alot of personality


the dwarf puffers are still a good idea. they may pick off the small hermits and snails but mine never bothered inverts, and i think i have seen them in reef setups.