can I get him????


I was wondering if I could get a Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish for my tank. It's a 120g with LS, and LR (100-125lbs). It's tank mates would be:
1 yellow tang
1 blue Koran Angel
4 firefish
2 clowns
1 scooter dragonet
1 yellow watchman goby
1 Pistol Tiger Shrimp
1 purple coral banded shrimp
1 arrowhead crab
2 feather dusters
a couple of horsehoe crabs
1 boxing crab
2 Sally Light foots
1 Cleaner Shrimp
5 peppermint shrimp
1 anenome crab
2 emerald crabs
2 chocolate chip stars
LOTS of hermit crabs


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
1 Pistol Tiger Shrimp
1 purple coral banded shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
5 peppermint shrimp
All possible prey for a lionfish, not to mention the smaller fish that he has.


Active Member
I have a fuzzy in my reef that tried to eat a bangaii cardinal that 1/3 his size. I was able to save both but if it will fit in his mouth, it just might end up in there.


That's what I am afraid of.. love my crabs!
All of my fish are pretty small. The tang is about 2 inches, angel 2 inches and the clowns and firefish are really small. Everything in my tank is definately on the small side.


I totally thought about that picture of your lionfish biting your cardinal when I was at the fish store today and the saw the cardinal tank!!
Bummer, I've always wanted a lion fish. Are there any other suggestions for fish that I could add with my present stock?