Can i get more fish?


Active Member
I got a 29 gallon aquarium
•Live Rock- 55 lbs
•Live Sand- 37 lbs
x2 Percula Clownfish
Snowflake Eel
2 Emerald Crab
1 Blood red shrimp
Sand Snail
3 turbo snails
•x2 Secoundnature Whisper Filters
•Rena Cal Top light Excel 100 w heater
•Power Head
•Lifeguard Ultra Violet Sterilizer model QL-8 (not hooked up yet)
• Fluval 104 canister fliter
can i get more fish or am i overstocked?


Active Member
You Might Be Able To Get One More Fish, But With 55 Lbs Of Lr You Might Not Have The Swimming Room For One. Maybe A Small Goby, Like A Clown Goby Or Something Small That Perches In The Rockwork Might Be Good. Hth


Active Member
I would say no.
That Snowflake is easily going to out grow your system.
On top of that, any fish that you find that's small enough to add to the tank, would risk getting eaten by the SFE. If it didnt get eaten, it'd get bullied by the 2 Clowns.


Active Member
i feel bad thats my favorite fish and i forgot him on my list


Active Member
i cant get a purple firefish or blenny? just 1 i got good flitration with the fluval 104, 2 whispers, and uv sterilzer


Active Member
If you want to risk the new fish being bullied and beaten by the Flame or pair of Clowns, because they're all in a tank that's too small then yeah, I guess you could add something else.


Active Member
my flame is very Docile and dosent bother anything and is scared of the little clowns. and my caves have lots of holes and stuff
so u wuldnt recomend me getting anymore fish


I would start by getting more cleaners. Maybe 12 more snails and 12 mor hermits. If you get rid of the SFE I believe you could add another fish. Take a look at the flame hawk fish, I love to watch mine and if you have a lot of rock he will like it in there.
I forgot - do you have a skimmer?


Active Member
so with the clowns and flame angel u say i can get another fish, and AW2 says it wuld get beat up on..
any suggestions beacuse i dont wanna like keep fishing for some1's answer saying U CAN HAVE FISH, i wanna know wut wuld be the best for it
so add nemore fish or not?
x2 percula clowns
flame angel


Well I have to say that I love my six line wrasse. Im not sure if it is compatable with what you have but he is an active little critter in my tank. I have just about the same amount of LS and LR. ALso is that all that you have for your clean up crew????? And your tank is that clean???? Dang. Do you have a sump/fuge???


Active Member
Your Flame is going to outgrow that tank. my suggestion is get a bigger tank. then you can get more fish


I personally don't think you should add any more fish. I think that flame is not going to be super happy in the set-up. I agree they are beautiful fish, but I think you should find him a bigger home than a 29, just my opinion though. Maybe get rid of him and get a firefish and something else small. Definately too much livestock with the eel, eels generally are messy eaters and I suspect even with lots of filtration like you have you are pushing the limits of water quality.
I would suggest more cleaners though.


Well the truth is there is no 1 right answer. I believe it boils down to how much time do you want to spend on the tank. If you add another fish, you may want to step up the testing and water changes. My brother has a 90 gallon with a refugium with 3 fish (and inverts) and he literally has not had to do a water change in 8 months!!! He has 0 nitrates, 0 phosphates. He just doses minors, calcium and buffer. I, on the other hand have 7 fish in my 125 and I do water changes every 2 weeks. I can usually keep my nitrates down to 5 - 10, but it is more time and effort than he puts into his. So you gotta ask your self - do you want low maintenance or more fish? I go for more fish and more time and effort.
Also, I have a gold banded clown, flame angel and they get along great with a 6 line. Things can be more intense in a smaller tank however, since they may not have enough room to have their own "territory"