Can I hang a 18" AquaFuge on a 29 gal. AGA?

nano reefin

New Member
The 18" AquaFuge hang on back refugiums hold aproximately 4 gallons of water. Would there be any problems hanging it on the back of a standard 29 gallon AGA? All the posts I've seen, everyones been hanging them on larger tanks like 55, 72, 90, etc.. Just wondering if hanging 4 gallons of water on the back of a 29 would be a problem at all..


Are you asking if the back of the tank would support it? if so, build a cheap little stand for the fuge. the stand would only need 4 legs and the top part, if you want too be safe, put wood around the legs for more stability.


yes you can. I have an 18" aqua fuge on my 37g tall which I believe is the same length as the 29. should be a good addition to a 29 as the size is about right.