Can I have 2 anemones?


Active Member
I was wondering if I could have a bulb type anemone or "something like that" and have a carpet anemone in the same tank or would that not work? I was going to place the carpet on the sandbed next to the glass and the other would be on the rockwork.


Active Member
Usually not a good idea. Anemones of different species may sting and kill each other. Also, any clownfish may be transfering nemocysts between the two anemones, also stinging them. Even if you put them far away from each other, they still may decide they do not like that spot and start wandering around.


ok..I'm an ignorant newbie, but if anemones can't be kept together in one tank, why do fish stores keep them together?
At my lfs only the tube, condi and rock/flower anemones are kept in a different tank from the bta, beaded anemones, carpet anemones, etc. And yes there are clowns in the tank with the bta, carpent anemones, etc.
off topic...what wattage light would work well for a 30 g tank that will house a few fish and soft corals. I don't plan to have any small stoney corals. thanks!


geeesh i didn't even think about thst, I gos a small bubble anenome for my maroon clown today, but already have a sebe or whatever in there. They are close to each other too. I'll ceap you updated what happens. I only have a 20 gallon so, they're gonna meet each other


I'll ceap you updated what happens. I only have a 20 gallon so, they're gonna meet each other
Well I'll save you the trouble. One will get killed, and only one if you are lucky. Your whole tank could potentially crash. With a 20 gallon, you are better off with the bubble tip. Get the sebae out of there.


I have a total of 130 watts 2 white and 2 blue for my small 20 gallon. Plenty for me. I'll get the seabee out on the weekend that one is too big now anyway, About 1 sqft, huge for a 20 gallon. So how about 2 bubble tip anenomes? Does that work? Or should i say 2 of the same


Active Member

Originally posted by Queen Ange
What are nemocysts?:notsure:

The stinging cells.Kind of like cactus spurs with a punch.


I don't know what to believe any more. I'm not calling anyone a lier but some people say 2 anenomes are fine and some say 1 is going to kill the other. Now....... there both hanging on eachother for the last 2 days now and nothing happend, no marks no pulling the tenticles in nothing. So maybe I just got lucky and they like each other. Could that be? A large seabee and a small bubble tip. In LOOOOOOOOOVE? hehehe I'm going to have to trade the seabee , getting to big now. I'll put her up on a different message board. Take a look. Thanx for all your help