Can I have a Lavender Tang


New Member
i currently have a number of fish including a yellow and purple tang. Can I add a Lavender Tang as well?


New Member
140 gallons
lunar wrasse
flame angel
blue green chromis (3)
Maroon Clown
Yellow Tang
Purple Tang
Royal Dottyback
flame hawk
valentini puffer
I don't know what LR is?


Active Member
live rock-how much pounds lol sorry the ammount of Live Rock can affect the ammount of fish you can have to


New Member
I have no idea how many pounds. I think it's quite a bit. It goes the whole length of the tank, almost the entire height of the tank and comes out to about the middle of the tank. I also have a 20 gallon sump.


New Member
I was also thinking about a pink tail trigger. I'm concerned with whether the tangs will get along.