Can I have a RBTA?


My 20 gallon tank has been set up for 5 months now. I have a frogspawn and green brain have been doing very well for a while now (along with other mushrooms and button polyps). The tank has quite a bit of coraline growth already so I assume the tank is doing good.
I got a clown a while back and now the LFS has a RBTA for $50. I figure thats a fairly good deal and was wanting to get it. What do you guys think?


Also I forgot to mention my lighting. I have power compact lighting. A 65 watt actinic and a 65 watt 10,000K. Is this enought light? By my calculations its about 6.5 watts per gallon.


Perhaps. I personally don't like to see anemones in small tanks like this, also the watts per gallon rule doesn't always apply when you have nano tanks like this. I like to see more than 200 watts for even the lower light anemones of which there are only a couple.
RBTA's can be more touchy than even the regular brown or green BTA's can be.
Please don't assume that your water is fine just because you have great coralline algae, get it tested.
If you decide to get a bubble tip of any kind then I would look for a tank raised one, they tend to be more hardy than the wild ones and can tollerate fluxuations in tank paramiters better.