Can I have a shark?

cool clown

I was thinking about getting a shark one day and was wondering if my tank was big enough? It is 180 gallons with a 20 gallon wet dry filter and a 20 refugium. Is this big enough or should I just forget it for now? Thanks
P.S. If so what kind? Thanks again

cool clown

200 lbs. live rock 250 lbs. live sand, mag 12.5 with 6' head pressure (don't remember G.P.H.) through a spray bar. Two rio 2100 powerheads (I have heard these may have to come out will find out first before adding anything) Thanks


Active Member
My tank is of almost equal dimensions and I only have 60 lbs. and it seems like too much. So ditch most of it. I would at least try to get the flow rate from the filter alone to about 1000 gal/hr and get a LARGE skimmer. Then you could do a bamboo or epaulette with an eel or ray if interested.


Hey gas, how big is the lion in there? Cuz, yer tank is only 5 gallons larger than mine, yet it seems like its a lot larger. Mine is 4 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet, and my lion looks about as big as yers in comparison, but hes only about 6 inches. Do u think the tank it is in right now is ideal cuz it is wider? They do seem to not swim as much.... Also, I would say that a 180 is about perfect for a bamboo shark, just keep the rocks maybe in a bowing formation to leave space for the shark to cruise the bottom, and maybe make some archways and low caves for it to hide in.


Active Member
My tank is actually 6 feet long so my lion is much bigger than yours in a 4 footer. The dimensions are 72x18x22.

cool clown

Is my tank bigger than I thought? It is 72"x18"x30". How many gallons is it if yours is 180 and 72"x18"x22" Than what does that make mine?


Active Member
The tank in my picture is a 125. I was explaining to liontamer that my lion is in fact much bigger than his because his tank is only 4' long and they look the same. The dimensions of your tank come out to about 170 gallons. Close enough.


They dont come out exactly the same size looking, just space wize. I know mine is smaller than yers, but he aint THAT small.


Active Member

Originally posted by cool clown
I was thinking about getting a shark one day and was wondering if my tank was big enough? It is 180 gallons with a 20 gallon wet dry filter and a 20 refugium. Is this big enough or should I just forget it for now? Thanks
P.S. If so what kind? Thanks again

Yeah definitely go for it. Just a forewarning though... most all the sharks you could put in the tank are bottom dwellers and not really active during the day. Some sharks you could put in there are bamboos, epaulettes, coral catsharks, and horn sharks. Of course I would look for smaller ones or possible eggs if you can find them.