yes you could have several.
i had a lion in my 55 and he did fine. a 125 would be more then fine.
reminder...most of the day/time they just sit in one spot.
I have read up on this on a lionfish expert's website, and he says that the volitans can be kept in 75 gal and up. I have mine in a 55, and if that's about all there is, and not too much decor, a lion should be fine.
Originally Posted by Gamedawg
I have read up on this on a lionfish expert's website.
Dr Frank Marini would be one of the experts on the subject. Here you have an excellent article about lionfishes:
The Lionfish Info Sheet: Captive Care and Home Husbandry
by Dr Frank Marini:
and this is very important reading if you own a lionfish or have one in your plans:
Lionfish Envenomations and the Aquarist
by James W. Fatherree