Can I have more?

I have a 60 gal. tank soon to be reef tank with 62lbs of live rock... Can I have more fish? And if I can what are some cool looking ones that would liven up my tank? Here is what I already have:
1- Yellow Damsel
1- Royal Gamma
1- Clown Fish
1- Pacific Blue Tang
3- Peppermint Shrimp
4- Emerald Mythrax Crab
2- Purple Nudibranch
1- Lettice Nudibranch
1- Brittle Starfish
1- Green Serpent Starfish
1- Decorator Crab
12- Cerith Snail
12- Astrea Conehead
12- Blue Leg Hermit
12- Scarlet Hermit Crab
1- Haitian Anemone


Active Member
Well, you are getting close to the limit, but I think another fish would be fine. How about a 6-line wrasse? Cardinal fish? Needlenose flame? Maybe even a dwarf angel? Just a few possibilities.
That Pscific Blue Tang may be small now, but he is going to get far too big for that tank. If you're planning on keeping him in there for life, then you're already overloaded. If not, then another fish would be feasible. HTH :)

Originally posted by krishj39
Well, you are getting close to the limit, but I think another fish would be fine. How about a 6-line wrasse? Cardinal fish? Needlenose flame? Maybe even a dwarf angel? Just a few possibilities.

Will angels eat coral?

Originally posted by Jillian Ayers
That Pscific Blue Tang may be small now, but he is going to get far too big for that tank. If you're planning on keeping him in there for life, then you're already overloaded. If not, then another fish would be feasible. HTH :)

I got a really really tiny one in hopes he wouldn't get TOO big... but hes really scared right now I dont know if that will go away, I have had him in there for about a week and a half.. and anytime I get close to the tank he hides.. or if I move too sudden across the room he will hide in my rock.. is this normal?


...I'll take him off your hands. Everybody is telling me I don't have enough fish...LOL
What's your fave bay area fish store? anything worth crossing the bay for on your side? we've got some good ones in san leandro and hayward...
my faves in my tank that are small when full-grown are the bicolor blennie and the maroon clown. both have character and don't need much swimming room.
dottybacks are cute, but i hear they can be aggressive. how about a bang cardinal? that's a fish I'd like in my fantasy tank...



Originally posted by SnowflakeJason
Will angels eat coral?

Dwarf angels won't bother corals. They do like to graze though. I try to keep caulerpa or dried seaweed in my tank for my Rusty Angel to pick at.
A Dwarf Angel would be an nice addition to your tank. There are lots of different colors to choose from and they stay small.


Active Member

Originally posted by Drakken
Dwarf angels won't bother corals. They do like to graze though. I try to keep caulerpa or dried seaweed in my tank for my Rusty Angel to pick at.
A Dwarf Angel would be an nice addition to your tank. There are lots of different colors to choose from and they stay small.

I disagree. All angels run the risk of nipping at corals, and they are sometimes quite delicate. The should not go in a young tank...prefer at least a 6 month old tank minimum, with lots of LR. Many are hit or miss, and some are quite notoriously delicate.
IMO, if you recently added the blue tang, it is too soon to add another fish. What are your water parameters, and how old is the tank? I would not be at all surprised if the tank comes down with would have been better to keep it is a q system, in order to let is settle in without having to worry about standing up to other tank inhabitants.
IMO, and many many will disagree, a tank should not be at max stocking level until it is a good year old.
If, however, you intend to keep the blue tang, I would not add any other fish. One would hope that you would want your fish to grow large, as a normal healthy fish would do??? :confused: