Can I have SPS and noob question


I have 1 150 watt 14k HM bulb and 1 24 T-5 daylight bulb and 1 24 T-5 super antics bulb. Will the sustain SPS and what is acan short for? Also whats the easiest to care for and fastest grows SPS?
Also what is monti caps im a fowlr guy

otley 1975

What size tank is it over. Monti cap is a montipora that "caps". They look like shelves instead of columns. I know what acan stands for but I can't spell it. Google acan and see what comes up.
Some fast growning SPS are german blue polyp digi, and most digi for that matter, pocillpora, and most monti caps are fast growers.


The easiest and fasted I'd say are the beginner monti's, digis or caps. The green slimer is also a good one to start with for SPS. 150W MH should be fine but what size tank and how deep. Acan stands for Acanthastrea lordhowensis although there are several type of Acans these days.


Active Member
Encrusting monti's are a good one to start with too.
but make sure your calcium (400-450) and alkalinity (9-11) are in check before starting with sps. Also, you need good strong intermitent water flow.