Can I have to much light?


New Member
***I guess what I really wanna know is: how much light does a guy need/want? whats the "rule of thumb" ? Is there such a thing as too much light? ***
I've been in saltwater just over 3 years now ...
.. long story ..
When I first started, I was lucky enough to evade some of the costs, I came across some live rock for FREE, and I happen to move around the same time, and since I had to tear my tank down and I came across 70-85lbs live rock for free it only made sense for me to go saltwater, I have a 75g tank.
3 years later, that free live rock I got, it was werid, something was wrong with it, cant really explain it. ANYWAYS, a week before BLACK FRIDAY, I recieved 90-110lbs of new live rock, a month previous to that I tore down my tank (very long story, dont wanna get it to it). Well its been 11 days since I set it all back up, I must say I love my new rock and sand bed, I have 120lbs of sand, which is = to 4.5-5" sand bed, I absolutely LOVE it, previously I had MAYBE a 2" sand bed so ya, I love the deep sand bed.
On Black Friday, I ordered 2 vortech MP40W pumps, I'm extremely excited for them, but also I want to order some metal halides, I was thinking (2) 250W retro fits...but as my buddy and I were talking we are both starting to think that would be just crazy! Let me explain, I currently have (4) 96W power compacts retro fit kits (only a 12-16 months old) I do like my lights, I should of done better research before i bought them though, because now I wanna buy more lights, boy o boy do I wish I did it right the first time!
ANYHOW>this is my QUESTION> I would like to take (2) 96W bulbs out, and than I would like to stick metal halides in place of them, here is what I was thinking: I already have (4)96W power compacts, take (2) out, which would leave me still with (2)96W power compacts, I wanna add (2) 100-250W metal halides. Right now (my light as is) I have 5.12W/g! If I buy (2) 250W MH's I would than have 9.226W/g (96+96+250+250/75) and wow that got me thinking thats PROLLY way to much light, so thats my question< CAN I HAVE TO MUCH LIGHT? Is my plan a good idea, mixing MH's and PC's togeather:can I do that? well I know I can, you know what i mean, lol .. if 9.22W/g is to much maybe I should go with MY (2)96W PC's plus (2)100W MH's, which comes out to 5.226W/g (96+96+100+100/75).
** I guess what I really wanna know is: how much light does a guy need/want? whats the "rule of thumb" ? Is there such a thing as too much light? ** I don't care about fish and things, if all I wanted were fish, my W/g wouldn't matter to me, anyone can have a tank with saltwater to keep a fish alive, the cool part of saltwater are the corals, so ya basically, I love corals and thats pretty much my goal is to have a reef tank, with my 2 black and white percs, I love them fish, they are so cool! anyways, thanks for the help!


Active Member
first, dont use a watt per gallon rule, because its not the same comparing watt per gallon for PC, VHO, t5 or MH.
But 2x250w MH with your 4x96w PC would not be too much light on a 75g. If you make the PC bulbs all actinic, you can use 10k or 14k MH bulbs and still get great colors in your tank.
If you have any corals now, you would have to take some time acclimating them to the new light. softies and LPS might have to go in the bottom half of the tank or shaded areas, but they will do fine.
Also, there might be heat issues that you didnt have with PCs.