can i have two kind of clown?


Active Member
i just rescue a carpet anemones from *****.. i also have a rbta with clarkii hosting it . can i have false percula on a 225 gallon cube tank? 48x36x30"h both anemones are in opposite side of the tank i also have 4 stripe,yellow tail ,and b/g chromis and is fine with my 3.5" clarkii and smaller clarkii.can i have 2 kinds of clowns in the tank ?

rod buehle

Some people have gotten away with it, but I would definitely recommend against it. Especially with Clarkki that are established with their anemone. They will be very territorial and with the tank being 4' long they will surely spot the new arrivals and all heck will break lose. The clarkki will likely give up the BTA in trade for the hadoni because its a natural host..


Active Member
i rescue a green carpet from ***** couple of days ago i have a reef tank i geard they move a lot unlike rbta . but if they are happy in their location/( perfect spot when light , flow and rock work are optimal what is the risk of it moving?


Active Member
There is always a risk of an anemone moving.
Anemones in tanks can chemically war against each other. Not usually a good idea to put mixed anemones in the same tank.
Mixing the Clowns can work in a larger tank, but in this case I think the cube shape works against you successfully doing this.