Can i keep a clam?


So i just upgraded my lights to 96w quad PC's on my 10g and im really hoping i can keep a clam. I was told i would be able to with these light just want to make sure. I know that there are several species and some are more demanding then others. So if i can keep a clam what kind? Also on a side note could i keep a plate coral too?


Active Member
a clam in a 10 gallon is hard. the light u might be able to get by. if u 10 gallon's water paramters r stable, u can give it a try. but just make sure ur parameters r perfect. hate to see an innocent livestock dying bc of our negligent.


Active Member
since its a 10 gallon tank, its not deep. 10-12 hours should be fine. keep either crocea or maxima since derasa will get big.


I turn my lights on at about 8am and unfortunatly i work late so most days they dont get turned off till 11pm


Active Member
Light will not be your problem as I believe that in a 10 gallon water quality in terms of stability will be. Especially salinity as you will experience evaporation and if you don't have an ATO you may have swings that will be detrimental to the clam. That said people do it you just have to keep things right.


i would think Ca+ would be a big issue in a 10gal. keep an eye on that.


The tank is pretty stable and i dont have any fish in there. I also do water changes weekly and the tank is about six months old. So i dont think water quality is an issue nor the Ca lvls. As for salinity the tank gets alot of attention and doesnt lose water all that fast.
Im going to try it and i'll let you guys know how it works out. Thanks for the opinions guys.


Active Member
I'm pretty skeptical about the water quality but you seem to have had your mind made up already.
At least throw a timer on the lights.