Can I keep a Nurse Shark in a 55 gallon?


Active Member

Sorry guys...I just couldn't resist. I'm planning to set up a 20 gallon high as a reef in the near future. I'm looking at the Coralife PC single 65 watt fixture. That gives me about 3.2 watts per gallon. What kinds of corals can I keep? My understanding is everything except SPS and Clams, right? PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong.
For the most part you are right, Although I would say 4-5 per gallon just watch the depth and you should be fine. And yes that was funny :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyreefnut
For the most part you are right, Although I would say 4-5 per gallon just watch the depth and you should be fine. And yes that was funny :hilarious
Thanks for the info, Nut.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyreefnut
No problem just remember only large sharks do well in small tanks and good luck. :hilarious

WOW...I gotta remember not to drink Frappuccino's before I go online...
Anyway, getting back on track...anyone else have any comments/suggestions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by maroonytun
You scared me I was ready to do major bashing and flaming.
Ya anything but sps and clams
LOL...thanks for the info. That's what I thought, but I just wanted to double-check.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maroonytun
Emperor you live in Michigan right????
What LFS do u go to.
Yep...I'm in Michigan...Grand Rapids area, Grandville more specifically. I generally visit Solomon Seas Aquarium (which sucks since it switched ownership recently...the guy keeps his salt level at 1.028 :mad:) VI Pets, both the Plainfield and 68th location, NOT the one in Holland, Chow Hound on 28th, Ocean Dreams (a home-run store by a friend of my brother in laws in Coopersville), MV Pets in Kalamazoo, sometimes ***** just to laugh at them, and I think thats it. I feel like I'm forgetting something though...LOL. Anyway, just out of curiosity, how'd ya know I live in MI?

nm reef

Active Member
I'd say go for the'll get you more attention....

The lighting you mentioned over the tank you described will provide plenty of long as you take into consideration there is much more to keeping corals than just gettin' the light and tossin' in some corals.


I've been browsing the boards for a little over 4 months now. In the Michigan Role call thread you responed.
I go to Tropicorium on Inkster and Pruess Pets in Lansing.
Yeah I went into ***** and looked at all of the fish. The one in Ann Arbor, all I can say is they need :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:
I'm going to soon be redoing my tank into a reef.
All of the good fish stores are far away from me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NM reef
I'd say go for the'll get you more attention....

The lighting you mentioned over the tank you described will provide plenty of long as you take into consideration there is much more to keeping corals than just gettin' the light and tossin' in some corals.

And yep, I realize there is a lot more to corals than just the lighting, I do know however, that it is quite important. I have been in the hobby with mostly fish, for a while, with some mushrooms, but no 'real' corals persay. Any tips you can give me?
BTW, I am very jealous of your tank and your photography ability.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maroonytun
Emperor on your profile it says your a LFS volunteer, could you tell me which one???
Solomon Seas Aquarium. But, I don't volunteer there anymore, as I said, they changed ownership. Guess I better update my user profile!


Active Member
Squidd...thats just sick. AWESOME TANK! I'm liking that black sand, very nice. You said that was 2-65 on what size tank? Could I do something similar with 1-65 on a 20h?


Active Member
That was from a couple years ago..20 High tank...with 2x65 pc lighting...
I do not think that was too much, actually "just about right" for that sized tank...
I believe 1/2 that lighting would not yield the results or growth shown there...
In fact that same group of coral were moved to another tank and had TWICE the lighting 250 MH + 130 PC actinic and "really" started to bloom and thrive....
This is twice the light of the 20h... now imagine the effect with "half" the light on a 20 h...