can I keep a shark or an ray


I have 125 gal tank with 350 gallons worth of filtration on it and will soon have a skimmer on it.My question is there a speices of shark, ray or some thing similar that I can keep (please give as much info on your suggestions).


Active Member
honestly and please don't take this wrong . You can not keep a shark . When you have enough experiance in the hobby to understand why . Sharks are by no means for beginers in the hobby , You really need to have a fish tank of at least 300 gallons to keep even the smallest spieces of shark .
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
honestly and please don't take this wrong . You can not keep a shark . When you have enough experiance in the hobby to understand why . Sharks are by no means for beginers in the hobby , You really need to have a fish tank of at least 300 gallons to keep even the smallest spieces of shark .
I second that


Active Member
not simmilar but (I think) equally cool are lionfish.... a little more suited to the size of tank and beautiful to boot!


New Member
I've been told that Silver tip sharks (catfish) do well in a marine tank. I have a small one in my freshwater tank (about 5") and he's pretty awesome. Very active, but doesn't show much aggression twords the other fish in the tank. I don't have any first hand experience with them in saltwater, but it might be worth checking into.


Active Member
You could do a freshwater ray or two in a sparsely decorated 125 gallon, assuming that it is 6' x 1.5'.


Active Member
Yes you can acclimate braccish sharks into your tank (i.e. freshwater). I have seen a few people and LFS' that have done this. They are beautifully colored under Saltwater lighting.
You should read up about how to transition them into salt.


Heres a pic of one of my 2 white tip cat sharks. They're pretty cool. They eat like monsters though. This one is about 4", the other about 5.


Active Member
thats amazing i have never heard of that kind of cat ( well not htat i can remember )
i have seen similar at wal mart


Originally Posted by mmm33732
Heres a pic of one of my 2 white tip cat sharks. They're pretty cool. They eat like monsters though. This one is about 4", the other about 5.
where did you find that? how much did you pay for it? here i go fishin at the beach and can catch them all day long. they get up to 2' long. Just my 2cents


Active Member
Originally Posted by txfishman
where did you find that? how much did you pay for it? here i go fishin at the beach and can catch them all day long. they get up to 2' long. Just my 2cents

Are you thinking of a channel cat? They are somewhat simmilar. The fish pictured above is from central and south america, guatemala and southern mexico. (channel cats are found in north america) cats are often sold in the FW aquarium industry even though they reach adult sizes FAR too large for the avg tank. (cute, yes, but don't get one :) )
This is a channel cat:
