Can I keep clams with this set up??


I just got a Custom Sealife 260 PC light fixture. It has 2 65 watt actinics and 2 65 watt 10K daylight bulbs. The manual says clams will do well with this light but I've read they need stronger light. If I can keep clams which ones are better to keep?
The tank is a 55.


Active Member
this is a highly debated topic . . . . do a search and decide for yourself, but the generaly consensus is that they require MH at a minimum.


I recently purchased a claim with this exact light set up plus two 40 watt regular floren and the claim do not make it . I would not recommend a claim unless you have MH.just my opinion. Have a nice Christmas:nope:

tony detroit

Active Member
I have 24'' depth and 175W MH and 96W supplementals and I have lost 4 clams. I am unsure if it was lighting or something else though.



Originally posted by skilos1
I think you should try some corals before you try clams, get some easy to keep corals and go from there, You must have stable water conditions and favorable conditions for clams. Its not just light.

I totally agree.
Once I'm sure my water is stable I'll start looking in more coral.
Thanks all for the replies!!

nm reef

Active Member
Recently you posted that you just set up your 55...based on that alone I'd suggest waiting a good while before attempting a clam. A squamosa may do well under your lighting ...but there is much more to consider before attempting a clam. They require stable levels of calcium & alkalinity...preferably in a stable / mature system. Your lighting would be what I'd consider on the low side of being able to keep a clam. Be patient and in time a clam may be a good choice....sorry.:thinking:



Originally posted by NM reef
Recently you posted that you just set up your 55...based on that alone I'd suggest waiting a good while before attempting a clam.

Hehe, I was waiting for the "New Tank Police" to point that out. Actually all the rock, filters and most of the sand and water came from my 28. The ammonia are nitrite 0 and have been tested daily since set up. I added some really nice Marshall Island rock too. Still, I will wait a while before adding any corals or other inverts.


I've had a clam for 7 months now, with a quarter inch of shell growth at the bottom on my 110 on the sand bed. With a 6 vho bulb combo. I recently became concerned about lighting on this board and decided to move him up. When I returned the next morning I found that he had used his foot, and pushed himself from where I moved him back to the sand bed. I pretty decent fall I might add. I've decided since then he must be happy.



Originally posted by JBSTUART
I've decided since then he must be happy.

I guess that's why they say "Happy as a clam"


Active Member

Originally posted by JBSTUART
I've had a clam for 7 months now, with a quarter inch of shell growth at the bottom on my 110 on the sand bed. With a 6 vho bulb combo. I recently became concerned about lighting on this board and decided to move him up. When I returned the next morning I found that he had used his foot, and pushed himself from where I moved him back to the sand bed. I pretty decent fall I might add. I've decided since then he must be happy.

How big is this clam and what kind is it?


Deresa Clam. Its between 4"-5", and I feed him quite regularly. I was very concerned when I purchased it about lighting, because I dont like being a death sentence to anything. So far the only thing I've killed was a plate coral. I'm not sure what happened there, but I really did a good job at it. Now its skeleton is a mushroom pad.


Active Member
How are you feeding the clam?
I am pretty sure that a derasa clam needs to sink his foot down into the sand. I dont think it will like being on a rock which is also probably why it didn't attach to the rock you had put it on.


I introduce phytoplankton into the aquirium 2 times a week with my skimmer turned off. Then I use zooplankton to hand feed selected corals, so far it seems to be working just fine. After that is is just food oppurtunity from fish feedings. If you know a better way to feed this clam I'm up for suggestions. I haven't got much care info on it.